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Strep A Throat Swab Rapid Test Kit

When you’ve got a sore throat that persists, it can be hard to tell whether it’s a symptom of a normal cold or a more serious infection.

If you’ve got severe throat pain, swollen lymph nodes, or white patches on your tonsils, it could be a Strep A infection.

This high-accuracy, easy-to-use Strep A test kit can help you figure out whether you might need your GP’s advice. You can get access to the right course of antibiotics and feel better sooner.

It’s sometimes difficult to distinguish the sore throat symptoms of a cold or flu from Strep A. Eliminate the worry in minutes by taking this simple mouth swab test.

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About this test

Strep A (Group A Streptococcus) is one of the most common bacterial infections affecting the throat. It’s distinct from a cold or flu, and is caused by different bacteria.

Unlike sore throats caused by cold or flu viruses that resolve on their own, Strep A requires antibiotic treatment to avoid complications. It’s quite contagious, so quick treatment helps stop the spread.

If you’ve suddenly developed a sore throat without other symptoms of cold or flu, you may have a Strep A infection. Having a fever or pain when swallowing are other telltale signs.

Taking a Strep A test will rule out serious infection or set you on the right path for treatment. Whatever the result, your worries will be eased with a snapshot of your throat health.

After taking a swab of your throat, this handy test detects the presence of Strep A antigens. In just minutes, you’ll receive a straightforward ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ line on your test cassette.

Brand of test may vary.

What comes in this kit?

  • 1 x Test cassette with desiccant bag
  • 1 x Sterile swab
  • 1 x Sterile wooden tongue depressor
  • 1 x Plastic test tube with dropper
  • 1 x Vial with Strep A Test R1 solution
  • 1 x Vial with Strep A Test R2 solution
  • 1 x Instruction sheet

How to use this test

  1. 1

    Prepare for the test

    Wash your hands with warm, soapy water. Rinse and dry.

    Place the plastic test tube in the test tube holder.

    Open the tongue depressor packet and place it beside you, leaving the depressor inside the packet.

  2. 2

    Prepare to swab

    Remove the sterile swab from its packet without touching the cotton tip.

    Standing in front of a mirror, tilt your head back and open your mouth as wide as possible. Use the tongue depressor with one hand to flatten your tongue.

  3. 3

    Swab your throat

    Using your spare hand, place the swab in your throat. Touch the back of your throat, around your tonsils and any reddened areas. Rotate the swab to maximise the sample.

    Now, insert the swab’s cotton tip into the plastic test tube.

  4. 4

    Add the solutions

    Open the blue cap of the R1 vial. Add 4 drops to the test tube, and replace the blue cap.

    Open the green cap of the R2 vial. Add 4 drops to the test tube, and replace the green cap.

  5. 5

    Rotate the swab

    Rotate the cotton tip of the swab against the sides of the test tube about 10 times, thoroughly mixing the solution.

    Leave the swab in the test tube to incubate for 2-5 minutes.

  6. 6

    Dispense the solution

    Remove the test tube from the holder. Squeeze as much solution as possible from the swab inside the test tube, before removing the swab.

    Add the dropper to the top of the test tube. Dispense 1 drop of the solution into the well of the test cassette. Repeat if there are any air bubbles.

    After waiting 5 minutes, read your result. Note that some results can be read after just 1 minute. In any case, do not read the results after 10 minutes.

Learn more about this testFrequently Asked Questions

Good value and instant results

  • Easy-to-follow instructions
  • Results in just a few minutes
  • Professional-grade accuracy at home
  • Catch Strep A before it progresses
  • Skip the wait times, reduce anxiety
  • Help stop the spread of Strep A
A woman uses a mouth swab to collect a sample for a rapid test

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